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Torrid Teasers Volume 41 Page 2

  "Shit!” What the hell do I do now?

  * * * *

  By the time Kris arrived at his loft, he figured the plane had been in flight for almost three hours. He groaned, missing her more than he wanted to admit. In two hours, she'd be landing in Honolulu then his driver would take her to his getaway on the outskirts of the city—the place he intended to give her a Christmas to remember.

  "How the hell can I when I'm stuck here and she's there?"

  He'd planned to give her an engagement ring at the stroke of midnight Christmas Eve but the way things shaped up, it wouldn't be happening. He figured he'd be lucky if he got to ask her on New Year's Eve—if at all.

  Kris poured himself a drink then called Yuki, his housekeeper in Hawaii.

  "Yuki, Miss Dickens will be arriving in a few hours. See she's made comfortable in the master suite but don't tell her you work for me. She doesn't know I own the house and thinks it's a friend's."

  "Yes, sir,” she said. “Anything else?"

  "I mailed several packages to the house over the last month. Open them and take out the gifts then put them under the tree. Anything else put on my desk."

  "I will take of it. When are you arriving?"

  "In a few days, if things go right."

  After hanging up, he downed his drink then poured another. Tonight he planned to get smashed.

  * * * *

  Once the plane landed and Carole had claimed her one piece of luggage, she went to hail a cab then remembered she had no idea where she'd be staying—only Kris had that information. She pulled out her cell phone to call him but it did not go through, Carole cursing.

  She looked for a pay phone but in this day and age, they'd become a rarity. She walked through the airport to the main entrance when she spotted a chauffer holding a sign for Masters. She went to him hoping he'd give her the right answer.

  "Are you waiting for Kristofer Masters?"

  "His party—yes, ma'am,” he replied.

  "I'm it. He'll be taking a later flight."

  "Very good, ma'am,” he said, taking her bag and putting it in the limo's trunk once she settled into the car.

  She sat back, loving the feel of leather against her skin. Since meeting Kris, she'd taken to wearing short skirts so he could gaze at the length of her legs. He made her feel sexy especially when he told her to pull her skirt up so her naked ass touched the seat or when he ran his hands along the material right before he teased her pussy. Carole's stomach tightened with need, her body craving his touch. She missed him and wished she hadn't left before him.

  She closed her eyes, picturing him—his dark piercing eyes, his gorgeous cock, his finely sculpted body. She imagined him filling her after his powerful thrusts took her to the edge and held her there right before he exploded his hot essence inside her.

  Carole felt her body react, gasping. Never before had she experienced this real of a reaction to her thoughts. She quickly glanced at the privacy screen, in place and securing her privacy. She closed her eyes again and saw the same vision—Kris fucking her while he had her bound to his bed. Instinctively, her fingers went to her blouse, feeling the peaks pushing the soft silk of the fabric up. She pinched her nipples, a gasp escaping. Yes, I'm being bad but I need some release. I can't believe how real this feels...

  The driver's voice brought her back to reality when he announced they'd arrived at their destination. She sat up, fixed her clothes and waited for him to stop the car. Once the car stopped and he'd escorted her inside the huge beachside house, she felt a little better but something kept her on a sexual edge.

  "Miss Dickens, I'm Yuki—the housekeeper,” a tiny Asian woman said. “If you'll follow me..."

  Carole followed her to the master suite stopping Yuki at the door.

  "I can't go in here,” she started. “What about the owner?"

  "It's his wish you stay in this room and take advantage of everything."

  "Where is he? I'd like to meet him."


  "Oh, I see."

  Yuki left Carole after unpacking her bag. Carole looked at the room impressed by its simplistic beauty. She gazed out at the ocean, the room opening onto a patio overlooking the water. Why aren't you here with me?

  Carole changed into a tank top and shorts over a tiny bikini, wanting to go down to the water and swim. She went downstairs, meeting Yuki.

  "This is for you,” she said, handing Carole an envelope. Carole thanked the housekeeper then went out on the lanai to look at what she'd been handed.

  If you are reading this, then I have been delayed. Take advantage of the house and the pool—naked, I hope. Yuki will see to your needs until I can get there and she will ensure your privacy. When I arrive, I hope to see you in all your wondrous glory and without anything stopping me from touching you anywhere. Ever your master, K.

  "Why aren't you here?"

  "Miss Dickens, I have instructions to see to whatever you desire when you ask. I will be near but will not invade your privacy. Use this to call me and I will be there in a matter of minutes.” Yuki handed her a Nextel cell phone with the intercom feature, nodded then left.

  Carole smiled—Kris had planned something for their time together. When will I see you?

  * * * *

  Several hours later, Carole stretched out on a chaise, enjoying the warm breeze blowing over her naked body. Yuki had left her alone though a pitcher of iced tea mysteriously appeared while she walked on the beach. As soon as she returned, she stripped out of her clothes and the bikini and dove into the pool. After floating for a few moments, she got out of the pool and laid on the lounge. Heaven, I'm in heaven...

  Carole fell asleep, waking a short time later to find a robe on the chair next to her. She sat up, stretched then slipped into the soft terrycloth and went inside after noticing her clothes had been removed. She went upstairs to the master suite finding her clothes waiting on the dresser. I could really get used to this...

  On the bed lay a brightly colored floral caftan. Deciding to wear nothing with it, she slipped it over her head after she showered then went downstairs for dinner. Yuki met her, leading her to the dining room where her dinner waited.

  "We weren't sure if you'd be ready for island cuisine so I hope this meets with your approval."

  "Yes, thank you,” Carole said, eying the plate of shrimp in several different forms. She ate then took tea on the lanai to watch the sun set.

  "Is there anything else?” Yuki asked.

  "No, thanks,” Carole said. “You've been wonderful."

  "Thank you,” Yuki said. “If you need me, call.” Yuki left her, Carole relaxing.

  Maybe I was wrong about a white Christmas...

  On the way to her room, she saw a Christmas tree in the living room. Going closer to get a better look, she saw several gifts underneath, all for her. Thrills coursed through her, Carole wanting to open them now though she wouldn't ruin Kris’ surprise. She walked around the tree, finding an envelope nestled on one of the branches.

  I know you want to open the gifts. Pick one, take it upstairs and enjoy it.

  She chose a thin box and pulled it out from under the tree. She took it upstairs as he'd instructed, opening it to find a vibrator with another note.

  Enjoy it until my cock fucks you senseless.

  Aroused and comfortable on the bed, Carole did as he'd commanded. Her new toy brought her several orgasms, her body quivering from the last remnants of each one. This is good but not you...

  * * * *

  Kris answered the phone after the first ring.

  "She's here and settled in."


  Relief washed over him that Carole had arrived safely. He knew she couldn't call because of the signal problem between that part of the island and the mainland, plus she rarely called him knowing he could be with Vicky. This worked in his favor though he missed hearing her voice.

  He imagined her opening one of her gifts and following his instructions. A natural sub
missive, she wouldn't disobey him—no matter how hard it became. He loved her determined desire to please him almost as much as he loved her. She had an amazing body and he wanted to show her off to the world—Kris Masters finally had what he wanted. Well, almost...

  He finished his drink, taking the bottle with him when he went to bed. He lay back, drinking from it while he thought of the woman who should be sharing his bed with him tonight and every night from now on. He hated being separated by the Pacific Ocean and prayed his legal affairs would be tied up soon and without any further delay.

  The phone rang, Kris letting the machine pick up. Just as he expected, Vicky was calling to try to ruin his night. He barely listened to her whiny voice then deleted the message once she finished her tirade. He picked up the phone and called Hawaii, needing to hear Carole's voice.


  "Did you behave and open one gift?"

  "Yes, Master, and I did enjoy it."

  "Good,” he said. “Use it again and let me hear how it makes you react."

  Kris sat back, listening to Carole climax, her moans torturing him. Phone sex, while good, did not compare to the real thing and he missed Carole with every bit of him. The next few days would be sheer hell.

  "I take it you like your gift?"

  "Very much so but I love your cock more."

  "Hold that thought for a few more days."

  "What happened?"

  "I had it out with Vicky and it's going to take a day or two to settle with her."

  "Do you know what I really want for Christmas?"

  "What?” he asked, holding back his amusement considering he knew what she would say.

  "I want you here with me and free of her. I don't want you to have to leave to make things look good. I want decadent sex all night long with no worries."

  "Do you know how much I want the same? She's a thorn in my side that I need gone in order to get what I truly want."

  "And that is?"

  "You for the rest of my life."

  Chapter 3

  Christmas morning, Carole walked on the beach. She thought about her life, ruing that she could have been skiing with friends in Telluride instead of spending the holidays alone in a tropical paradise. Without Kris, she couldn't fully enjoy the ambience of it all.

  She'd ignored the gifts waiting for her under the tree vowing not to open them until he joined her—if he ever did. She couldn't wait for him to see the Remington bronze she'd found for him but she'd left it at home because of its weight. She'd bought him a Navajo turquoise ring she'd picked up during a buying trip to Taos, hoping he'd like it. Carole sighed.

  Walking back to the house, she stripped out of her clothes as soon as she got to the pool and dove in—another day of tanning ahead of her. She stretched out on the chaise and dozed off dreaming of a man who would probably never be hers. Maybe as a resolution, I should swear off men...

  * * * *

  As soon as the judge signed the papers—a special favor to Kris’ attorney—Kris boarded a plane to Honolulu, praying he could salvage what remained of his relationship with Carole Dickens. His body begged for hers but he couldn't satisfy his hunger until he found out where he stood with her.

  Once the plane landed, he leased a car and drove directly to the house where he hoped she waited for him. He pulled into the gated compound, closing the gates behind him then drove up to the house, parking near the limo.

  "Mister Masters, good to see you,” his driver said.

  "Is she still here?” Kris asked, his need to know overriding his usual good manners.

  "Yes, sir."

  "Good and thanks. It's good to be here."

  Kris asked his driver to get the bags out and put them in the kitchen then return the car in the morning if it was still parked where he'd left it.

  "Very good, sir."

  Kris entered the house meeting Yuki. She pointed to the lanai where Carole lay in the sunshine, tanning her gorgeous body.

  "You and the others can leave to be with your families. I can take it from here."

  "Thank you, sir,” Yuki said, smiling. “Merry Christmas."

  "Merry Christmas to you, too and my thanks for taking care of her. How is she?” he asked after a moment.

  "She's lonely for you. She ignored the gifts waiting for her and she's been out on the lanai since she returned from an early morning walk on the beach. Do you have good news for her?"

  "The best, if she'll have me."

  "You got..."

  "The ink's still drying on the decree. I flew here as soon as I could."

  "It's a good thing. I think she's had thoughts of leaving."

  "How can you tell?"

  "Body language."

  "I see."

  "I hope everything works out. I'll return tomorrow afternoon and Cook will be back the day after. She left meals in the refrigerator if you want to eat in."

  Kris nodded, thanking her. He gave her a small box, loving her reaction to the necklace he'd given her. Once she thanked him, she took a second one for Cook and left him alone. He turned and walked toward the porch, standing off to the side to watch Carole while Yuki left a late afternoon snack on the table next to the lounge with a note. Yuki winked as she walked by. He heard the sound of the kitchen door closing knowing both had left for their holidays. Now...

  * * * *

  Carole rolled to her stomach once again after taking a dip in the warm water. She enjoyed the laziness but couldn't understand how people wasted their lives doing this day in, day out.

  She noticed the snack and refilled pitcher of iced tea then read Yuki's note.

  Cook and I are leaving for the holidays. Everything you need has been taken care of. We hope you enjoy your Christmas.

  "Yeah, right,” Carole said. “How can I when I'm all alone without the man I truly need and love?"

  She stretched, and then relaxed, the late day sun's heat warming her back as she lay on her stomach. Comfortable and almost content, she fell asleep again. Visions of her with Kris floated in her mind.

  When she woke a short time later, she froze. The sun's heat no longer warmed her, chills racing through her body. Her hands had been bound over her head, her legs apart due to her ankles being tied to the legs of the chaise. She felt vulnerable, her body fully displayed to whoever had done this to her. A silk scarf gagged her, Carole's mind racing. What the hell is going on?

  She tried to free herself, the feeling of being vulnerable overwhelming her senses.

  "I like watching my women struggle before I touch them,” a man's voice said, chills running through her.

  Carole froze, fear coursing through her.

  "It really turns me on,” he continued, “but then again, slaves should turn their masters on, especially when they've been apart for a short time."

  Carole's mind raced. The voice sounded familiar to her but for the life of her, she couldn't place it. Before she could do anything, the man blindfolded her.

  "Nod if you can breathe."

  Cautiously, she did. How do I get out of this? Kris, where are you?

  "Good,” the man said. “I'd hate for you to be uncomfortable."

  Scared shitless is fine but the guy's worried about comfort...

  She heard his footsteps move around the chaise, Carole feeling the heat of his eyes assessing her body. She tensed, uncertainty confusing her. I know who it is but...

  Her body jolted when the man used a flogger on her ass. She shook, praying for help but she remembered everyone had left for the holidays leaving her alone in the house. Another crack and she held her reaction, her senses telling her this would be all right and not dangerous. Her visitor had been way too courteous and had yet to touch her aside from the flogging which had aroused her more than she wanted to admit. The touch of the flogger had the feel of a lover's caress instead of an intruder's lust, if that made any sense.

  "Very good, slave,” the voice said.

  She noted a touch of Irish to the accent, her brain trying t
o figure out who she knew from Ireland but unable to come up with any answers.

  "Your master told me you are a very obedient slave. I see he has excellent taste. Because you have impressed me, I will remove the gag."

  She felt the cool breeze over her skin once he had removed whatever he'd used on her mouth. She took slow deep breaths, something Kris had taught her to do. Her body calmed though her pussy continued to betray her mind's control. She jumped a little when she felt the rim of a glass against her lips. She drank the iced tea he offered.

  "Thank you,” she whispered.

  "You're very welcome, my pet."

  She heard him walking to the lower end of the lounge, her senses anticipating what came next—another crack from the flogger, Carole again holding her reaction. Next she heard him unbuckle his belt followed by the descent of the pull along the teeth of the zipper to his pants.

  "Your master wanted to give you a good fuck for Christmas but since he can't make it, I'm your gift."

  Carole's hands clenched.

  "Is there something wrong?"

  "My master doesn't share. He swore he never would—why now?"

  "Because sometimes things change."

  Oh, my God, a good-bye fuck. He's not coming so I get a Dear John...

  "I sense apprehension."

  "Is this his way of telling me it's over? I mean he's not here and you are. He wouldn't go against his word unless he had no intention of being in my life.” Tears dripped down her cheek.

  "He didn't confide that to me. He sent me here to make sure your Christmas was..."

  "You don't have to. Untie me and leave the blindfold. I'll remove it after you leave and you can tell him whatever you wish. I won't say anything."

  Silence save the pounding surf surrounded her. She couldn't hear the man, unaware of where he stood or how he reacted.


  * * * *

  Kris watched her sleeping on the lanai in the beauty of the sunlight, his body wanting her more than ever. The gentle curves of her ass, the subtle lines of her body and he was ready to take her to bed and fuck her.

  Knowing how deeply she slept, he quietly snuck over and bound her to the chaise, Carole driving him insane with desire. He sat on the bench near the pool waiting for her to wake. Once she did, her struggles pushed him over the edge though he swore to not give himself away—not yet.