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Black Lace [Internet Bonds Series Book 7] Page 3

  "Are you all right?” she asked, cradling Chelsea's head between her breasts.

  Weakly, Chelsea nodded. Being bad, her tongue laved Eva's nipple playing with it and the stud piercing it. She felt Eva's reaction and smiled. Someday, I'll have this feeling with my own slave...

  "Take a look at your tits, dear slave,” Eva commanded. Chelsea looked down and saw her nipples had been pierced with gold diamond hoops.

  "You are forever my slave, Chelsea. These are my mark."

  Chelsea wept.

  "Thank you for the amazing gift,” she stammered. “May I ask a favor?"


  "Let's go to bed and..."

  Eva freed her from the chair and led Chelsea to the bed they'd shared since shortly after they moved in but would no longer. Eva kept her room across the tiny hallway in their two-bedroom apartment but only for show. They'd shared a unique bond, one remaining with them forever.

  Chelsea remembered New York fondly. They'd gotten together several times in Philadelphia and Los Angeles taking up where they'd left things in Manhattan. When not together, Chelsea haunted the city's underground nightlife circuit but always as a dominant and not the dominated. She enjoyed her wilder yet darker side. Oh, well—what else would you expect from a distant cousin of a famous local family? Hell, we aren't even considered part of that branch of the family anyway.

  She surfed the Internet when she didn't feel like clubbing. Online sex with others around the world tended to be a spicy yet safe way to enjoy sex without the worry. She lurked in a local chat room, amused by some of the newbies and wannabees who somehow thought they knew all about the life. They are so sadly mistaken.

  Chelsea sat back, reading the conversations going on while letting her vibrator excite her clit. One of the newer participants piqued her curiosity—the screen name HotShot04.

  "What have we here?” she wondered aloud while reading more.

  HotShot04: I need some questions answered. Can someone help me?

  Screensiren: Do you feel comfortable in this forum or would you prefer one-to-one?

  HotShot04: Preferably one-to-one.

  Screensiren: I will instant message you in a few moments.

  HotShot04: Thank you.

  Chelsea sat back, deep in thought. She sensed something she'd never felt before. She weighed the angles before contacting him. Could he be vice? Could he be psychotic? Could he be what I am looking for?

  Chelsea knew deep in her soul she wanted a man to dominate most of the time while being able to know when she needed his domination. If I could train him ... Eva had taught her a great deal, opening her eyes to her true feelings but on her own, she'd learned what she truly wanted and needed. As much as she loved Eva, Chelsea Strawbridge needed a man—one who could keep her on the sexual high she craved and needed while being hers to command when she wanted or needed him.

  Screensiren: Are you ready?

  HotShot04: Yes.

  Screensiren: What is troubling you?

  HotShot04: How did you know?

  Screensiren: The quick desire for one-to-one. If you'd had idle curiosity, we'd be in the chat room right now and open to everyone.

  HotShot04: Very true.

  Screensiren: Talk to me.

  Chelsea waited for his reply then read it carefully so she would make no mistakes when she answered him.

  Screensiren: To learn about your father's desires and how much you have in common with him has been a gift in many ways. The fact you are allowing yourself to explore your sexuality and tendencies like this is impressive.

  HotShot04: Why?

  Screensiren: Most men refuse to admit to liking the crack of a riding crop or flogger across their naked skin. They feel it makes them less of a man.

  HotShot04: But I wanted more.

  Screensiren: Are you embarrassed?

  HotShot04: Not embarrassed so much as confused. I need to understand this side of my personality.

  Screensiren: Tell me about your first visit to your father's dungeon.

  HotShot04: At first, shock set in. I thought I'd known him but I guess marriage to the woman who gave birth to me drove him to...

  Screensiren: Why do you say that and why do you call her that?

  HotShot04: She never wanted the pregnancy or me. She called me a low blow. She would have divorced him had he not died when he did.

  Screensiren: I'm sorry. Go on...

  HotShot04: After I found the flogger, my entire body begged for it.

  Screensiren: And if you learned you crave dominance, what would you do?

  HotShot04: I don't know.

  Screensiren: Why?

  HotShot04: I don't want it to be with the one from the other night.

  Screensiren: Why?

  HotShot04: I don't trust her.

  Screensiren: I see you understand the most important and basic principle of this lifestyle.

  HotShot04: It comes with my job.

  Screensiren: As?

  HotShot04: I'm a firefighter. I have to be able to trust those I go in with.

  Screensiren: Now I understand your screen name.

  HotShot04: —grin—

  Chelsea sat back, rereading the conversation after printing it out. She liked this guy and, to her astonishment, heat came off the paper and she felt desire course through her body. Her grandmother always believed in signs, Chelsea figuring this could definitely be one.

  Screensiren: Would you like to meet?

  HotShot04: Yes.

  Screensiren: I'm forwarding a medical report to you. I expect the same from you before our meeting.

  HotShot04: I will arrange for a new one tomorrow.

  Screensiren: Your present record should be fine.

  HotShot04: Trust me, I don't want to go into this with any surprises.

  Screensiren: Talk to me.

  HotShot04: The other night, “Miss Riding Crop” never asked, nor did I and I know better. I have no excuses for my negligence. I want to come into this relationship clean.

  Screensiren: Thank you for being honest.

  HotShot04: You spoke of trust. How can you trust me if this begins with a lie?

  Chelsea sat back again, his blunt answer warming her heart—a new sensation. She went to answer but stopped, rethinking her next response.

  HotShot04: Are you still there?

  Screensiren: Yes, you have me at a loss for words.

  HotShot04: Is that good or bad?

  Screensiren: It's very good.

  They chatted for several hours before signing off. He agreed to send her the medical report as soon as he received it. Once he did, they'd meet in person to see what would happen next.

  "What the hell is it about you that makes me hotter than Hell?"

  * * * *

  Reed printed out their conversation then reread it—several times. Never, in his entire life, did he ever imagine having this kind of conversation but he had. Somehow whoever he talked to calmed him while at the same time she excited the Hell out of him.

  He'd been serious about being honest with her, especially about the medical issue. He'd seen too many cases where blood-borne pathogens had been involved on the job and the results. He'd didn't want to become another statistic whether it be on the job or in his personal life. His escapade with Lynne Sommersby could very well have changed him. What if she's pregnant?

  He'd always been careful until Lynne came along. Now he saw his life spinning out of control though he truly believed the woman he'd spent the night chatting online with would help to save it—physically and emotionally.

  "Hell, one evening's conversation and she's saving your world—yeah, right,” he said, hating himself. “You got yourself into this one, Hot Shot, now get yourself out.” God, what the fuck have I done?

  Reed kept revisiting the night with Lynne Sommersby over and over. He'd virtually given her free rein to do whatever she wanted to him and she did, even to the point of using a riding crop then telling him what she wanted him to do to her.
He'd done it without thought but the affair had driven him to unlock a Carrington family secret. In the process, he'd realized his true self and turned to a complete stranger for help through it. With my luck, she's an eighty-year-old grandmother.

  The next morning, he went to a lab to have blood drawn and the appropriate tests done. While he waited for the results, he made a phone call to an adult bookstore he knew of on Market Street, asking the person answering his call to tell him where one of the clubs catering to the darker side of sex was located. That evening, he dressed in a black shirt, jeans and boots, drove his Lincoln Town Car into the heart of the city then headed for an address on Locust Street. He knocked on the door then waited.


  "Sal gave me this address."

  The door slid back enough for him to enter then closed behind him. A man looked at him, questions in his eyes.

  "May I help you?"

  "I'd like to investigate the club and myself."

  "Your first time?"

  "Yes,” Reed admitted.

  "Then I'll send Brandy to give you the tour."


  "And how much would you like to experience?"

  "I don't know yet."

  "Very well,” his host said. “I'll inform Brandy and she'll be with you in a few moments. Feel free to enjoy the bar."

  While he waited at the end of the bar, Reed surveyed the room, amazed by what he saw. In one dark corner, a couple enjoyed each other completely oblivious to anyone else in the establishment. The woman cried out when her partner filled her only he flogged her ass for disobedience. Reed felt his reaction and quickly looked away.

  He saw another couple, both wearing body-hugging Latex. She wore a collar attached to a lead he held onto, controlling his lady.

  "Sir, my name is Brandy. If you'll come this way...” a beautiful redhead wearing a black robe said.

  "Thank you,” Reed said, following her to a private room located in the cellar of the huge building. On the way, he saw many of the same things he'd seen in his father's clandestine room.

  "Wow!” he commented.

  "I take it this is your first time?"

  "Yes, it is."

  "Then I'll be easy on you."

  "Can you show me around first?"

  "Sure,” Brandy said. “Since I will be your mistress for the evening and this is your first experience, I will bring you back here after you've seen some of what happens in this place. Then you will tell me what you'd like to experience."

  "Fine, Brandy."

  "First,” she began, “I am Mistress Brandy and from now on, you will address me either as that or as Mistress."

  Brandy showed him different areas of the club. He felt the erotic adrenaline rush in the air, likening it to what he enjoyed when the klaxons went off for each dispatch. He began to understand more why people went for this lifestyle instead of conventional sex. He began to understand his father better as well.

  When they arrived back at the room, Brandy entered. Reed hesitantly entered looking around it again.

  "When you first arrived, did you give our host an idea of what you wanted?"

  "While we waited for you, he asked me several questions which I answered as honestly as I could."

  "What would you like to experience?"

  "Punishment,” he said quietly, remembering the couple near the bar and the crop. “For some reason, I get off on it."

  "I see. Anything else?"

  "I don't know."


  "My last partner dominated me. She used a crop and..."

  "Not Sommersby?” she asked quickly.

  "Yes, why?"

  "She is the only one I've ever heard of who uses a riding crop. She whips her man as hard as she does her horses. She's legendary among the clubs because of ones like you who question."

  "She did that, Mistress."

  "Did she get you going so fast and furiously that you never discussed safety or..."

  "Protection? No, she never mentioned it. Why? Should I be worried?"

  "How are you medically?"

  "I had my annual physical and my tests came back normal—no worries. I just had another blood test today to make sure."

  "Good move on your part. Your last partner is very safe about what she does because she can't afford anything happening considering the family's status. If what she likes to do got out on the society page, it would destroy her and she would likely be disowned."

  "How does she keep it secret?"

  "She uses the fear tactic she used on you. You are put in a position where you can't admit to anyone what happened and you wouldn't dare show up on her doorstep making accusations. She's extremely careful for purely selfish reasons."

  "So I should be relieved?"

  "Did she say anything before she left you?"

  "No because I literally ran before she woke up."

  "Not good."


  "She hates being dumped like that. She wants to do the leaving."


  "Knowing her reputation, she might try again with you."


  "She's a dominant personality and isn't used to not getting what she wants when she wants it. She's not a Dom per se but she always needs to be in control. If you left her before she had the final word, she'll try to ruin you in order to gain back her control."

  "That sounds like it's motivated by revenge."

  "It is in a way."

  "Shit!” he cursed. He didn't need this—not when he wanted to get together with someone else who had already become a huge part of his life after one online conversation and he needed to protect his name and fortune as well.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I have a tentative date with someone this weekend. I don't need some crazy bitch trying to ruin it for us."

  "Be careful, that crazy bitch has the money to do what she wants and if she so desires, she'll pay anything to accomplish whatever she's planning."

  "I don't need this,” he growled.

  "I wouldn't worry about it. She wants you to sweat things out until she makes her move."

  "How do you know about her?"

  "Our host—he's one of her victims plus we get her leftovers."

  "I see."

  "She ruined him until he came here. What he learned from her has been invaluable."

  "So I can be relieved I'm medically all right?"

  "Yes, but you were smart to get tested."

  "Thank you, Mistress."

  "Now, shall we continue?"

  "Yes, Mistress, I'd like to."

  "Remove your clothes and step over here,” she commanded while she walked toward a spreader bar suspended from the ceiling. She pulled it down and waited for him to join her. He obeyed, Brandy placing his wrists into the manacles.

  "You still desire punishment, slave?” she asked.

  "Yes, Mistress."

  He watched her pull a suede-tipped flogger from a nearby drawer.

  "You will not utter a sound unless I allow it. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Mistress Brandy."

  "Very good,” she complimented. “Do you have a safe word?"

  "What is that?” he asked.

  "If you feel things are getting too intense or more than you can handle, you will say your safe word and I will immediately stop. Do you want one?"

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "What is the word you would like?"

  "Fire, Mistress."

  "Very good,” she said. “Now, we begin."

  Reed watched her drop the robe. She wore a black corset which held her body tight in its grip while pushing her breasts up gently to expose her nipples over the top of it. A black thong, thigh-high stockings and black stilettos completed the sexy look.

  His breath caught when she came closer to him. His cock reacted, begging for attention.

  "Very nice,” she complimented, running the top of her finger along its length.

  "Thank you, Mistress,” he said. “
May I say something?'


  "You are one hell of a beautiful woman."

  "Thank you,” she said, then lightly kissed him. While she did, she brushed her nipples across his firm chest, Reed holding his reaction. She slid her hand behind him, massaging his ass. A quick snap and he felt the first sting of pleasure. She repeated this several times, Reed obviously wanting more.

  "Very good, slave,” she said, easing the tension on the bar. “I want you on your knees."

  "Yes, Mistress."

  Slowly, he knelt keeping his balance and refusing to be awkward in front of her.

  She smiled then sat on a high stool in front of him, her legs on either side of his.

  "Suck my nipples and make me wet."

  "Yes, Mistress.” He took her nipple and suckled it while she pressed his head closer. At the right instant, she flicked the flogger on his back, his teeth nipping her nipple. She moved his head to her other one repeating what had just happened. Unknown to him, she'd removed her thong after untying it. She pressed his head down further.

  "Suck my pussy and see what you do to a woman."

  Reed eagerly tongue fucked her, tasting her unique essence. When he took her to the edge once more, she flogged him. He nipped her, making her jolt while she drenched him and cried out.

  "Have I pleased you, Mistress?” Reed asked.

  "My God, yes,” she gasped. “I hope you and your date experience this feeling."

  Reed watched Brandy, her breathing heavy and erratic.

  "Are you all right?” he asked, concern in his voice.

  "I'm fine,” she replied.

  Reed watched her waiting for her next move. She went to another drawer and pulled out a small object. Walking back to him, she stripped out of the corset. Releasing him from the spreader bar, she told him to stand.

  "Put this on,” she commanded. “I want that cock of yours inside me."

  "Yes, Mistress,” he said. A few moments later, he joined her on the bed. He no sooner came within her reach than she pulled him into a kiss. She guided his cock to her pussy knowing he'd do the rest.

  "Fuck me, slave."

  He could only nod. Three little words sent his emotions into a frenzy. He slid his sheathed cock into her, Brandy moaning. He eased out then thrust into her. The crack of the flogger on his ass sent him over the edge. Something inside him sent him even further and without thought, he pounded her pussy, his cock filling her. Another smack and he thrust harder. The third crack sent them both to a new level, Reed groaning while Brandy cried out.