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Spark of a Wolf [Eyes of Darkness Series Book 2] Page 3

  The hood roughly came off before she felt the weight of two pads placed over her eyes, followed by another piece of tape. Natalie moaned from the cold and the pain as the tape pulled her skin. Footsteps left her alone, her body shivering uncontrollably. She tried to find some reason, but she couldn't.

  Natalie Young saw her life pass before her eyes and prayed. Why?

  Moments later, a calloused hand took hold of her arm. It ran its way along the length of it, then went to her other one.

  "Perfect. Good veins,” a strange voice said.

  Natalie tried to curl up and away from whoever touched her.

  "Relax, my dear."

  Do I have a choice?

  Natalie jolted from a sting in her forearm, followed by a burning sensation as a syringe emptied into her vein. A euphoric sense overtook her as whatever he had injected into her went to work. She sank out of control, her body limp from the euphoria into which she had been put.

  The drug burned its way through her, every vein and artery on fire. Her senses jolted from each sensation as she rode the high the drug created. Lightning flashed in her mind, her body craving more.

  "Very good, my dear."

  The man's voice echoed in her brain and caused her head to hurt. Her breathing became erratic as convulsions overwhelmed her. She clenched her hands, tight enough to draw blood where her nails dug into her palms.

  Pain coursed though her as someone ripped the tape from her mouth. As she writhed in pain, she cried out. The high gone, all she had left to experience was denial.


  Chapter 3


  "Sean, it's me."

  "Hey, what have you got?"

  "A lot."

  "Tell me."

  Hunter Lockwood, Sean's partner for years, gave Sean everything he learned from the other jurisdictions.

  "We're looking at a profile which doesn't usually alter. Only one of the victims was older than the others, but from what I can tell, she looked younger than her age."

  "How old?"

  "She would have turned thirty the week after they found her body."

  "What else?"

  "In answer to the question about loners—you caught another similarity the others hadn't."


  "Every one of them either kept to themselves, or had very minimal contact with others. I found estrangements, no family connections or friends at all, aside from one person. Whoever took these girls made sure they wouldn't be missed."

  "Did you find any similarities as to when they went missing, when someone reported their disappearance, and when they turned up?"

  "Three weeks to a month. In three-quarters of the cases, a family member or friend did report them missing, the others had no early documentation. The average time frame came from those two dates—the date of discovery and the needle tracks."

  "How did they run?"

  "Single injections to start, multiple near the end. It looks to me like these girls became unwilling lab rats."

  "Son of a bitch,” Sean cursed. “What about the drug angle?"

  "From what I've been able to get from our close-mouthed brothers, FBI and DEA had ops going on in the immediate areas."

  "Drug labs?"

  "In each one."

  "This would explain the lab rat scenario."

  "I'll check with the Feds and find out what they might have going on around here."

  "Tread lightly. We've got too much federal land around us to antagonize them. We have to work with them to clear the three we have open."

  "You got it. What about you?"

  "I'm going to talk to someone who might be able to tell me if there's anything up in the mountains."


  "Rhiannon Drake. She's a..."

  "...A very well-respected guide around here. I've heard of her. Do you know her?"

  "By reputation only, but I've heard of her expertise. Not only that, she's in her twenties, a loner..."

  "She fits the profile to a tee."

  "I think she deserves to be forewarned."

  "Good idea. At least we can try to help one..."

  "One of many. I wish we could do more."

  "I'll get back to you as soon as I find out anything."


  "Hey, Sean, how are you holding up?” Hunt knew his partner hadn't been one hundred percent of late and it worried him.

  "I got drunk last night."

  "Did it work?"

  "Yes and no. I got some sleep but I don't feel rested at all."

  "Have you gone to see a doctor?"

  "No. In fact, you're the only one who knows. I appreciate you keeping my privacy and the covering you've done for me."

  "Hey, friend, what else can I do? I worry about you, though. I mean ... What if it's serious?"

  "I'll deal with it when the time comes."

  "Let me know if I can help."


  Sean shut off his cell phone and thought about Hunter Lockwood. They'd known each other since childhood, though each went off in a different direction with their lives. While Sean had served his country, Hunt went to college and majored in criminal justice. He surprised everyone when he enlisted in the Navy and got his law degree.

  Hunt distinguished himself as a Judge Advocate based in San Diego. Although he could argue any case diplomatically in a court of law, his heart lay in investigation and law enforcement. He returned to Colorado, joined the force in Aspen, and hooked up with his old friend. They had a partnership most dreamed of but Sean treasured their friendship. To him, Hunter had always been closer than any family could ever be. Thank God for this one good thing in my life.

  Sean remembered the football games and the paint ball battles. At six foot five each, they worked together well and always won. They protected each other then and they still did now. It relieved Sean to know he could rely on Hunt without question.

  He stood up and wavered a bit as remnants of his hangover remained with him. He showered and felt a little better, though the headache held on. He tried to ignore it as he dressed in black jeans and a purple chambray shirt. Once he pulled on his Justin boots, he grabbed his shoulder holster and slipped it on, then stowed his wallet, cell phone, handcuffs and his badge. Putting on his jacket, he left to go see the one person who might be able to help them.

  * * * *

  Sean parked his truck in front of the pavilion where the guides met their tours. It housed offices, a small theater, area display and a gift shop. Behind it, he saw huge stables and grazing areas for the many mounts they used for the horse trails. He saw some beautiful animals, pleased over the care they received. He hated when the animals received the basest of attention instead of loving and conscientious care.

  "Can I help you, sir?"

  "Yes, I'm here to meet with Rhiannon Drake."

  "Yes, sir. She's on her way in. She'll be here in a few minutes."

  "Thank you,” Sean said, smiling.

  Sean turned to gaze at the horses. Having always loved horses, he marveled at their majestic grace while being powerful at the same time. He'd been able to feel close to them in an unusual way but it made no difference to him. He preferred it to dealing with humans.

  As he watched them graze, one of the stallions approached him. Sean held out his hand to him but the horse abruptly shied away. He backed off, then galloped away. Strange...

  Hoofbeats on the path behind him caused him to forget the horse's actions as he turned to see a black stallion approaching. Sean's eyes feasted on the amazing beauty astride the magnificent steed. His gaze followed her as she dismounted and gave the reins over to a hand. The two of them had been meant for each other.

  "Can I help you?” she asked with curiosity.

  "I'm meeting with Rhiannon Drake."

  "You must be Sean McMurray?"


  "Pleasure,” she said as she held her hand out to him.

  Sean grasped it and inwardly jolted as if an
electric charge raced into him from her. He could tell she felt the same way but couldn't be sure how he knew.

  "Uh ... beautiful horse. His n-n-name?” Sean stammered out.


  "Andromeda—it fits him. A dark night..."

  "He was born on a night with no moon or stars. For some reason, his name popped into my mind and it sang, so it stuck."


  Sean reached to stroke Andromeda's neck. The horse shied a little then, as if he realized everything would be all right, he accepted Sean's attentions.

  "That's odd. Andromeda's never shied like he just did."

  "It's normal, at least today. I seem to have this effect on animals."

  "No, they know you can be a predator, a hunter, but one who ultimately fights for them."

  "I don't know if I'd go that far."

  "I'm usually a good judge of character. Maybe you just don't realize your true calling."

  While they talked, Andromeda came back to him and enjoyed a neck rub while Rhiannon hosed him down. They'd gone through streams and over some dry ground, and she wanted to make sure it didn't cake on him. She put her hand to his neck and felt the stallion's pulse. She could tell his feelings this way and used it to gauge his reactions.

  Rhi felt something odd, though comforting in Andromeda. She'd never sensed anything like it before, but it felt good.

  When you find him, you will know it.

  The thought came out of nowhere and startled her. She chased it away to concentrate on Andromeda. Once she finished grooming him, she fed him, then led him back to his stall at the end of the stable and away from the other horses.

  "Why do you stable him here by himself like this?"

  "He's mine. The others are used by the tourists. Down here, he's left in peace."

  "I see."

  "Where I live, I can't stable him because of the predators, so he lives here."

  They left Andromeda and walked back to the office. Each time they tried to get a conversation going, someone interrupted them. Sean became frustrated.

  "Is there somewhere..."

  "Not here. I live between both wilderness areas if you'd like to come out to the middle of nowhere."

  "Sounds like an offer I can't refuse."

  "Here's the address and directions,” she said, writing the information down on the back of her card. “Come out around eight and I'll have dinner on."

  "Hey, I don't want to be a bother."

  "No bother, I have some things to do and then we can talk without distractions."

  "Eight, then."

  "See ya."

  Rhi watched him leave, her curiosity piqued. Could this be the one I've been warned about? Andromeda had picked up on something, but what? She'd be on her guard when he joined her for dinner. She had too damned much to protect.

  * * * *

  Meeting Andromeda gave Sean the urge to ride. After he'd made the plans with and left Rhiannon Drake, he put himself off-radio and went home. He parked his truck and headed straight to the barn.

  "Mister McMurray, how are you?"

  "Good, Chris. When are you going to call me Sean?"

  "I'm sorry, Sean, force of habit."

  "Anything I should know about?"

  "No, they're all healthy and happy. Empress will foal soon and it looks to be in good position."

  "Excellent. I may not be here though."

  "A case?"

  "Yeah, and we have to clear it soon."

  "I see. Shall I saddle Captain?"

  "You read my mind."

  Chris went to the tack room and brought out Sean's saddle and tack, then went to Captain's stall. While he saddled the steed, Sean waited and sighed.

  Sean intended to run his own ranch. He'd bought the spread years before, added to it, and profited from it. The military and the department had taken him away from it and caused him to be unable to give the operations his full attention. He smiled with relief as he watched Chris and thanked whoever had gotten them together, since Chris Lee had been his blessing. He ran the ranch while Sean served his country or now, as he investigated big cases, and during tourist season.

  A few moments later, Sean checked the cinch from habit, mounted up and rode the sorrel Spanish mustang into one of the pastures. They both needed this.

  Captain had been born on the ranch in the early days of Sean's ownership. With black mane and legs, the horse always stood with a regal but relaxed air. His personality helped Sean when he needed it.

  He thought about the case at hand and the unknowns associated with it. Those thoughts led to the beauty he'd met earlier. A real spitfire, she had hair like Rita Hayworth, bright expressive eyes, and an exceptional body. Not tall, he appreciated her beauty, one wrapped in a medium frame.

  One thing he'd noticed about her had been her relationship with her midnight black stallion, almost as if they could read each other's minds. He knew of one other woman who had the same ability. His mother had the same gift. Because of it, many of their neighbors brought their animals to her to heal. If it hadn't been for the times, his mother would have been able to go to school and get her doctorate. You would have been a great vet, Mom.

  He could sense their fear, and he had a closeness to Captain, but nothing like his mother or Rhiannon Drake.

  Soul mate...

  Startled by the word from his dreams, he tried to ignore it. Now, he didn't have time for this. He had a case to solve and it took priority.

  Sean checked his watch and turned to ride back. Maybe some time in the spa would help him concentrate.

  What the hell is going on with me?

  * * * *

  Natalie Young had been held for several days. Her group had reserved a week for their trip to the mountains, or so she had been told by the hard-faced man obviously in control.

  Someone had to report my disappearance, or would they?

  She rolled to her side as her stomach became queasy. She saw her hand chained to the bed she had not left since the first day. Her wrist had bled from the cuff's tight hold on her as it dug into her skin. Natalie Young prayed for the rescue of death.

  Her gaze went to the door when it opened. The Asian entered with a tray, replacing the one left earlier, then left. Natalie became sick at the sight of the food, her stomach lurched at the smell of the meal, and she heaved.

  Why? Why has this happened to me?

  The door opened again and another man entered, holding a syringe in his hand. He came to her side and gazed down at her. After he wiped her face off, he lifted her free arm, then looked at the other. Happier with the chained one, he swabbed a spot then, as she weakly watched, he injected the contents of the tube into her.

  Natalie felt warmth run through her as a euphoric feeling swept over her. She looked at the man and, for some reason, she reached out to him. What is this injection making me do?

  He went to her and kissed her. She returned it, hungry for more. Her body begged for his and she held onto him, fearing he'd leave her. She loved his touch as he kissed her neck. The fact he removed her bra made no difference, she wanted this to happen, though unsure why.

  His breath on her skin caused her nipples to harden. She began to fight for more as an animalistic hunger took over. She felt the cool breeze on her skin when he pulled back, Natalie empty from loss. She barely saw him remove her panties, but no matter.

  "You want me, baby?"

  She nodded and reached for him. She gasped when he thrust into her. The power he possessed punished her but she craved more. She felt her climax build, her free hand pulling him close while the other fought the chain.

  Natalie's body rode the wave and refused to stop. She needed more and got it, only not from the man she'd been given the injection by. The hard-faced man came to her and, though a back part of her mind told her this was bad, the rest of her demanded fulfillment.

  He obliged her and she took him. Then everything fell apart. As he took her to the edge, a headache filled her brain. She s
creamed from the intense pain, begging for it all to stop.

  "You want more?"

  "No, please. My head."

  He pounded her and she cried. Blood flowed from her nose and ears. She stared at him, her eyes lifeless.

  "Get rid of the body and find one with more stamina,” Adolph Gliickman demanded as he left. “Where's the chemist?"

  The Aspen death toll rose by one.

  Chapter 4

  Once she parked her Land Rover, Rhi hurried into her house and stripped out of her uniform. She freed her hair once she stood naked in front of a full-length mirror.

  Her time off started when she left the office and she had the next week to herself. She knew her work schedule puzzled people, but it had become a part of her life and important to her. Her personal life hers, she offered no explanation as to what she did, aside from “studying moon phases for a thesis".

  Rhiannon went downstairs to the cellar, then outside through a rear door. The breeze on her skin made love to her as her body embraced the touch of nature. She felt her breasts swell and her nipples harden. She breathed the clean air into her lungs and gloried in it.

  She ran toward a thicket, desire overwhelming her. She ran harder out of the thicket into a hidden glen with soft grasses inviting her to come to them. A small, clear spring called to her, as she became one with nature and her surroundings.

  Inhibitions gone, she rolled in the grass, the soft blades tickling her. She loved this freedom and needed it. Soul mate, hell. I'd give this up for no man.

  In the warmth of the sun, she dozed as nature guarded her. When she woke, she stepped into the mountain spring and played in the water. She loved this part of her life.

  She heard a sound, looked behind her and smiled. She felt the change come over her and languished in it. Her companion joined her and they frolicked in the spring, then in the grass like children.

  Rhiannon lay on her side as she felt his hot breath between her legs. She spread them more as he lapped at her. She writhed as he touched her sensitive skin and nipped at her. Her lover took her over the edge and she literally howled from the joy-filled pleasure with no possibility of getting pregnant. Her companion made sure he wouldn't do anything to hurt her and always made sure he remained in control. He knew he was not destined to be her mate and did not want to have the future prince come after him later.